With the end of the semester and the calendar year in sight, it’s time to look ahead to summer. It is not too early to think about how you will spend your summer break. Most summer awards will have their deadline in the early months of the new year, so now is when you would want to start thinking about which opportunity best fits your current profile and future goals. You are not limited in the number of experiences to which you may apply, but as most will ask for letters of recommendation, you do not want to apply for everything.
Ask yourself:
- Is this a good fit?
- How will this build on the experiences I’ve already had?
- How will this fit into my future academic and professional plans?
If you have meaningful responses to these questions, then go for it!
A few tips:
- Make sure your resumé/CV is highlighting the appropriate skills, and you give concrete details on what you did
- If you are a sophomore or beyond, high school experiences should not be included unless they show continued involvement.
- Avoid vague statements.
- Your essay(s) should cover the answers to the questions you asked yourself at the start of this process.
If you need any help, we are here for you!