Student Research Highlights

As a student in the David C. Frederick Honors College, you will have numerous opportunities to participate in research and showcase your work. Get inspiration from previous Frederick Honors research projects!

Annual David C. Frederick Honors College Research Symposium

The 2025 FHC Research & Creative Expression Symposium will be held on Friday, March 28th at the University Club on the Pittsburgh Campus. It is an opportunity for all Pitt undergraduates, especially FHC students and recipients of FHC administered research, creative arts, and community research fellowships to present their work to peers and faculty from a variety of fields across the university. 

Apply here by Wednesday, February 26.

D-Scholarship @Pitt

Students who complete and defend their Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) theses have their work published in the University's institutional repository for research output.

Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review

The Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review (PUR) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal where students can publish their Frederick Honors affiliated research and creative work. 

We publish undergraduate student submissions in four categories: research, creative writing, visual arts, and reviews. Submissions are taken from all disciplines but must consist of work done under the guidance of a reputable faculty mentor and/or through a sponsored university program. If you are a student hoping to publish your work with the PUR, take a moment to review our website, where you can find submission guidelines and requirements.

If you have any questions or need guidance about the journal, our editorial board,, and research program staff,, are here to assist you.