Honors courses are open to all capable and motivated students at Pitt. To determine whether an honors course is appropriate for you, please discuss this with an academic advisor or the professor for the course. In order to be successful in an honors course, you must be passionate about the course subject and must be willing to work harder in the course by reading more, writing more, discussing more, and/or working harder problems.
Use PeopleSoft/Campus Experience (CX) to find the list of all honors courses being offered. On the Class Search page, select Frederick Honors Course in the Course Attribute pull-down menu to get the list.
Some honors courses have additional enrollment requirements placed on them. If you encounter an honors course with a restriction preventing you from enrolling in it, you must contact the professor teaching the course to obtain their permission to enroll in it. When you email the professor, explain why you're interested in taking the course and offer details about any skills/experiences you will bring to the course. If the professor is willing to waive the enrollment requirements to allow you to enroll in the course, the professor can direct you to someone in their department who can issue you a permission number, or the professor can send an email message to David Hornyak (hornyak@pitt.edu) with the following information:
1. The course department and number (e.g., HIST 1234)
2. Your name
3. Your email address
4. Your PeopleSoft ID number
You will be emailed a permission number in return.